Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Let's get personal!

If you've ever met me chances are that you know I have a thing for personalities. Some might call it an obsession ;)  The truth is that I want more than anything for people to feel valued. If I could accomplish one thing in my life, if people had to say one thing about me at my funeral, I would hope it would be, "She made me feel valuable." 

Growing up I never felt that way which I think is a pretty normal experience for elementary/middle school/high school students. Like a lot of kids I got made fun of quite a bit. I'm sure the afro, coke bottle glasses, lisp and nervous tic didn't help my situation much. Top it off with a loud mouth and I was kind of doomed to be picked on. If there was one thing I walked away from those years believing it was that I didn't want to ever make other people feel like they were as worthless as I often felt.

Here's how all that ties into personalities. Feeling understood is a huge part of the battle to feeling valued, to feeling like you are not alone. Misunderstanding fuels conflict and isolation.  But, believe it or not, everyone doesn't think like you! We are all wired in special and unique ways with certain gifts and abilities that aren't like anyone else. As you can imagine, being so different can definitely make communication difficult. You say one thing but because of my life experiences and natural wiring I hear something totally different! How can we possibly expect to understand others and be understood with such a huge gap between us? 

That's where personalities come into play. I believe that having a basic understanding of the general temperaments of people gives us an excellent starting point to connecting well with others. Obviously these temperaments are general so you'll still have to put in some leg work to truly know a person. But this knowledge gives you a head start so to speak. Not sure? Here's some examples:

In the workplace:
Perception:  Your boss never asks you how you are or what is going on in your life. Their e-mails are always direct and to the point, everything feels like an order. Most of the time they don't even say, "Please" or "Thank you" much less "Hi!". You're pretty sure, at best, they think you're incompetent and at worst, hate your guts.

Reality: Your boss is probably just a Powerful Choleric personality. They don't like to take time for common courtesies or socializing especially at work. Never take them personal, just give them the facts as quickly and concisely as possible.

In your marriage:
Perception: Your spouse forgets everything! You ask them to pick up milk on the way home. They forget. You tell them your family is coming in to visit and you need help picking up the house. They forget and then dilly dally around instead of cleaning! You come home from work and all they want to do is talk, talk, talk about crazy long stories you doubt are even true. They never seem to take anything seriously and you often feel disrespected and resentful.

Reality: Your spouse is probably just a Popular Sanguine personality. They love people but are so naturally present minded they forget everything they're supposed to do in the future. They are having way too much fun to be repentant for too long.

In your family:
Perception: Your child is struggling in school. They take forever to do their homework and always just seem to move so slow. You encourage them to run for class office, be on a sports team, just do something! But they show little ambition even if you get them to join! You hate to admit it but you secretly think they're just lazy. Where's their sense of urgency?!

Reality: Your child is probably just a Peaceful Phlegmatic personality. They are calm, laid back and pretty content with life as it is. They make amazing listeners but being president of the united states probably won't be their dream (regardless of whether they have the ability or not), they'd just assume let someone else do it.

In your friendships:
Perception: Your friend is always so particular. About everything. They even iron their jeans for Pete's sake! Organization is their middle name. You always have to watch what you say because even the most innocent comments might be turned into drama. They're just sensitive and pretty moody. You secretly want to tell them to lighten up and not take life so seriously!

Reality: Your friend is probably just a  Perfect Melancholy personality. They feel emotions deeply although they might not show them outwardly. They are perfectionists and often very artistically driven and organized.

Hopefully you're starting to see my point. My goal is to do a series of 4 blog posts, one about each personality, in hopes that it'll help you in some way to better understand the people around you. Self-awareness is crucial to good communication and good communication is crucial to strong relationships and strong relationships are crucial to the human existence. Deep down all of want to be known by someone. God made us that way, with a desire to feel connected to one another. Maybe this will help you do just that!

So here's what I want you to do: Click on the link below and take the quick 5 minute personality profile (it's free, no e-mail required etc.!).  Here’s what I want you to keep in mind as you’re completing this quiz:
  1. Connotation can quickly distort the results of any subjective test like this one, so definitions have been provided for each word.  Read these definitions carefully before selecting which word best describes you or you may wind up with some weird results.
  2. There’s always an exception.  “I’m not disorganized, I mean have you seen my baseball card collection?”  Never mind that every other aspect of your life is disorganized, that baseball card collection cancels it all out. Ignore the exception and focus on the majority. 
  3.  Ask your family and friends for help.  You may think you’re super laid back but they might disagree.  Don’t get defensive.  We aren’t always as self-aware as we’d like to think and again it’ll only improve the accuracy of your results. 
  4.  Don’t mistakenly choose your abilities over how you are naturally wired.  You might have the gift of gab but if you aren’t ENERGIZED by talking and interacting with others then it’s not your personality.  Ask yourself, “Does it energize me or exhaust me?” 
  5. Finally, when in doubt, think back to your childhood.  As we grow older we gain more and more adaptive behaviors that can distort our natural personalities.  Going back to your childhood will give you an idea of who you were before there was too much influence on you.
Once you've taken the quiz make a note about what personality you came up with, I'll be blogging about one in each of my next 4 posts. Encourage your friends, family, spouse and the garbage man to participate with you, it'll make for a great conversation starter :)


Monday, November 11, 2013

A big pile of Do-Do...

It's been a long time since I last wrote mostly because I have been wrestling with an issue for quite awhile. Generally I try to have it at least clear in my mind before I will blog about it but this one has been such a doozy that I'm still not sure I know exactly how to articulate it! But I am determined to try.

Several weeks back I posted a status on Facebook that read, "Family is more important than work. But work makes me feel more important than my family...". What I simply meant is that when I spend my day taking care of my kids and raising them to love people and love God there is no immediate reward. At the end of the day no one looks at me and says, "Way to knock that one out of the park momma!" Ellie doesn't look at me and say, "Thank you for changing my diapers and loving me momma.". And if she's anything like me it'll probably take a good 20 years before she realizes all the wonderful things her mother is. 

The work that I do outside of the home however provides me with immediate rewards and benefits and plenty of positive feedback. My clients pay me cash for the work I do. My supervisor at The Journey frequently encourages me and the job I'm doing. Plus I can make out a to-do list for the work I do outside the home and at the end of the day I have tangible tasks marked off. I feel accomplished, I did something today! My to-do list at home might read:

1. Instill character and integrity into Ellie & James
2. Develop healthy lifestyles for Ellie & James
3. Train Ellie & James on how to be functioning and hopefully thriving members of society

Exactly how am I supposed to measure those on a daily basis?! Raising children feels a bit like walking on water...nothing feels very concrete so it's hard to get your footing! Work outside the home though? Piece of cake. At least in terms of knowing if I'm being successful or not! If I'm failing miserably as music director at The Journey I can guarantee you that my boss will let me know about it. If my clients from Taylor Made Design Co. aren't pleased with my work, they tell me! 

So, while I know that what I'm doing at home will have a longer lasting impact that is far more important, work outside the home makes me feel more important. And that's where the rub is. One is not about me and the other is all about me. What I do at home, isn't about me. Making Jen feel good is not the priority. Raising children who love people and love God is. At work, it's all about me feeling good. I feel productive, I feel valued, I feel accomplished! Me, me, ME.

What does this ultimately point to? Doing vs. being. Let me tell you another story. A friend recently told me about a position she had read about that required 5-10 hours each week, working from home doing administrative tasks for a very cool company. My first thought? I could do that! 

 WHAT?! Miss 2 kids under the age of 2, runs her own design company and is the music director for The Journey really thinks she has time to do this TOO?! Are you nuts?! But it would be fun! What an opportunity! I know this company would be such a cool place to be associated with and learn from! Translation (after some serious soul searching): Maybe this would be the thing that would finally make me feel valuable. Maybe this will finally prove I'm a somebody. Maybe this will finally fill that empty spot in my heart that no one knows about that keeps wondering, "Am I enough?".

The short answer, by the way, is no. This, like everything else you do, will never answer the question, "Am I enough?". It can't. And if we aren't careful we all will wind up doing our lives away. When I look to my activities and my extracurriculars and my career to answer this question I will always walk away unsure. Because I cannot do enough. There is always MORE.

If that discourages you, friend, I have good news. I can offer you hope because the answer to that question isn't in the doing. It's in the being. You, me, all of us are already enough. Just as we are. We don't have to do anything! For me, this all comes back to God. When I'm running myself haggard trying to do as much as I can it always stems from one of two causes:

1. I'm looking to people and not God for my security 
2. I'm trying to earn God's approval by performing for Him

When I'm focused on what other people think about me, do they think I'm valuable as a person (smart enough, funny enough, good enough), I find myself in a vicious "doing" cycle. I'm trying to impress people and show them what a truly great leader and entrepreneur I am! I want to WOW them with my writing skills because then they'll comment on Facebook about how moved they were by my story and I'll feel valued! I try to sing higher and hold notes longer so they'll all be moved by my talents and abilities. And in the process I'll miss out on any kind of peace or joy. I'll be on a constant roller coaster because my mood depends on the praise and support of fickle people. I'll only feel I matter when I'm getting attention. OUCH.

Sometimes, I flip flop this. I think I can perform well enough for God that He'll bless me more or be proud of me. I'll look at the scripture and say, "I know You say that You love me just as I am but I'm so full of pride that I believe I can impress You, God of the universe, creator of all things.". That's pretty astoundingly arrogant isn't it? Not only to think I would have the ability to impress God but to also think it's okay to call Him a liar, that what He said in the Bible wasn't true. So once again, I'm busy doing. Let me show You what I can do God! You'll want me then!

What's crazy is that God already wants us. All of us. Not for our doing but for our being. He loves Jennifer Lynne Johnson just as I am, not as I do. If I choose to embrace this simple truth then suddenly my life is full of peace and joy and hope! The emotional roller coaster disappears because suddenly I'm anchored in the unchanging, unfailing love of God. I don't have to wear myself out trying to do my way into being "enough". I can rest. I can be the mom He created me to be. I can be the wife He called me to be. I can be the friend, the sister, the daughter. Anchored in this truth I can be everything I was ever created to be...we all can.