Monday, October 8, 2012

6 things for my 6 month old!

Ellie hit the 6 month mark over this weekend so in her honor here are my top 6 things I've learned or that surprised me or I'd do again or not do again...basically it's 6 random things!

6.   Getting an epidural doesn't hurt! 
          Since I'm a huge needle wimp that was a big deal to me.  I credit my anesthesiologist who was amazing but either way, no pain associated with epidural.

5.  Breastfeeding was a very natural reaction.  
          I was nervous about nursing Ellie for a lot of different reasons some provoked by vanity and others modesty.  Plus it just seemed awkward and weird.  But it wasn't.  At all.  I couldn't believe how totally natural it seemed.

4.  Try, try again!
          I would try something with Ellie at one point early on and it wouldn't work.  But then a few days, weeks months later I'd try it again and she'd love it!  This was true with swaddling, play mats, cereal, bath time...I could go on and on with things she initially hated and later loved (or vice versa)!

3.  Be flexible.
          I like to plan things out in my head we're going to take a picnic lunch outside and sit under the tree.  It will be fun and a great time of mommy/daughter bonding.  We will cuddle and laugh and read books and probably fall asleep on our quilt.  It will be perfect.  And totally not going to happen.  We never made it out the door.  Mommy is defeated.  Keep trying and just remember...sometimes plans work out, sometimes they don't.  It's okay either way.

2.   I'm pretty self-centered.
          I want to get out of the house and do something, I don't care if it's Ellie's nap time.  I want to talk to people, not about Ellie.  I want to cook dinner, not hold Ellie.  I want to exercise, not cuddle Ellie.  I want some attention, not Ellie.  You don't realize how much your life revolves around ME until it doesn't anymore.  It's the healthiest and best adjustment your life could ever have to get off of ME but it's not an easy or fun transition.

1.  Momminess is either awful or awesome depending on my focus.
          When I focus on the tasks associated with Ellie's care...feeding her, changing her diapers, cleaning her room, washing her clothes, giving her a bath...the list is endless, when those things are my focus, being a mommy is awful.  I hate it.  I get irritated with her, with Matt, with myself, even the dogs!  But when I focus on Ellie as a person...her adorable giggles and the face she makes that looks just like grandad, her delight in a fun puzzle or her dad, her cuddles and sleepy smiles...when I focus on those things, being a mommy is the most awesome thing in the world.

And Elle Belle in pictures!

*All photographs are courtesy of Makenzie Lynn photographer and friend!

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