Thursday, August 2, 2012

Welcome to our family!

Howdy folks!  Welcome to the Johnson Family Ramblings, so named because well...we're the Johnson family and I (Jen) am writing it which means it's bound to be full of ramblings!  My husband Matt always accuses me of using 20 words when 2 will do, but what's the fun of only 2 words?  Of course he's an introvert so naturally he prefers 2 words over 20...and come to think of it I'm an extrovert hence the more words the merrier!  I also use exclamation points a lot.  But they're very genuine exclamation marks.  If you know me in person you would agree I exclaim quite frequently.

So...I guess step one is to introduce you to the Johnson family!  Let the rambling commence:

Matt is my hubby and the best man I've ever encountered, hence why I married him.  He's the lead pastor at The Journey Church (shameless website plug here! in Murray, KY which he started back in September of 2005.  He loves what he does which is a pretty big deal, I mean how many people do you know that wake up excited to get to work?  I don't know that many, maybe I'm just surrounded by weirdos but I think not, I think most people aren't fortunate to love what they do.  Matt loves learning and is constantly reading (mostly leadership/management books).

I'm Jen!  It's kind of hard to talk about yourself so I'll keep it short.  I'm a Phlegmatic Sanguine and obviously a big psychology lover (Matt is a Choleric/Melancholy just in case you were curious)!  I've always been obsessed with psychology and how the way we're wired can impact our relationships with others.  Communication (specifically interpersonal) is my 2nd love and I think one of these days I'll probably invest in the necessary degree to become a family/marriage counselor.  But that'll be my later in life career :)  For now, I'm the music director at the Journey and I own my own design business, Taylor Made Design Co. (my maiden name is Taylor)!  Most importantly though, I'm Ellie's mama.   

Ellie is our newest addition!  She was just born April 6th of this year and she is the most wonderful baby girl ever created!  She is also her daddy made over :)  Talk about 2 peas in a pod...I'm decidedly outnumbered. 

Rupp is our long-haired chihuahua!  He's named after Rupp Arena (obviously we're big UK fans) and our Murray State Racers. GOOOO RACERS! We adopted Rupp from Paws 'N Claws which is a rescue organization back in 2010.  Rupp is our very obedient and sweet puppy.

Cali is a yorkie something and she is named after John Calipari.  Cali is also a rescue puppy and she just joined our family back in 2011.  While Rupp is very compliant Cali is her own boss!  But we love her independent spirit...most days!

Well, there you have it!  Now that you've met the family I hope you'll check in periodically...assuming you can handle the rambling :)

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